The purchase of TRIBOPRESS plants requires a certain preparation...
Today, in the period of rapid development of business activities of small and medium size companies, quite often the entrepreneurs face a difficult question: Is it possible to enter the construction industry with reasonable investments.
Traditionally, a Businessman is drawn towards the production means, manufacturing a serious final product with a demand for many years.
Brick Plants, being the means of production of the building materials industry take a preferential place. TRIBOPRESS plants, in particular, because:
- its technology is easy, economic and ecologically clean;
- its technique (equipment) is reliable and easy to operate;
- its raw materials are accessible everywhere (screenings of the quarries);
- the return on your investments is very rapid (within a year);
- the final product is in high demand for many years;
- the technical service, is simple: by local means;
- the purchase is financed by the State Spanish credits.
We ask the experienced businessmen to forgive us for some pieces of advice that we would like to give on the process of purchase of our plants equipment, step by step, based on our experience in different countries.
Determine the raw material base, its resources and degree of appropriateness.
If we speak about the screenings of:
- quarries of shellrock, tuff, limestone, dolomite and marble - we can speak about 100% appropriateness;
- marl and gaize quarries - the degree of appropriateness is determined by making control samples;
- claydiite production or ceramic brick crushing -the degree of appropriateness is total, but it is necessary to add 20% of limestone or dolomite screenings;
- concrete constructions crushings - the degree of appropriateness is total when the crushings are granulated (cleaned from iron).
The raw material base resources are determined by the evalaution of the reserves of the selected raw material.
For details see «raw material base».
If the raw material base is available, it is better to contact our company in Spain and make control samples from the chosen raw material.
Determine the type of the final product to manufacture on the specific market.
If the area of the prospective market is not seismically active, the molds for the plant TRIBOPRESS (THP), should be chosen, that are used to manufacture traditional building materials:
- facing bricks and blocks with a frame and chamfers along the face perimeter,
- rock face veneers with a frame and chamfers along the face perimeter,
- sidewalk and road paving materials.
If the area of the prospective market is seismically active or if it is a region with a high risk of terrorist acts, the molds for the plant TRIBOPRESS (TSB), should be chosen, that are used to manufacture antiseismic, and traditional building materials:
- antiseismic bricks and blocks,
- facing bricks and blocks (with a frame and chamfers along the face perimeter),
- rock face veneers, bricks and blocks (with chamfers and splays along on the face perimeter),
- sidewalk and road paving materials.
See «building materials».
Determine the plant productivity from the point of view of sales and availability funds.
The productivity of our plants can be seen on «brick plants».
Determine the productivity from the point of view of investment funds.
To check the prices and the composition of the plant equipment, please, contact our office in Madrid (Spain) «contact». The equipment of the plant is offered in "complete", "medium" and "minimal" composition.
It is very important to see «profitability of the plants» and calculate the profitability of the plant in your real conditions.
Besides, we suggest the Spanish State Financing.
Please, see more information on «forms of payment» and «financing».
Signing of the international purchase contract.
After having determined the plant productivity, the equipment composition and the form of payment, the contract is signed.
First, a draft contract is sent for the review and corresponding adjusting of its content.
The Contract can be signed either by a DHL carrier or during your personal visit to Madrid.
The Contract is made and signed in 4 copies in English and Spanish languages - 2 copies for each Party.
We realize that the suggested above steps on no account describe all the steps of the preliminary work on the way to the Contract signing, however we hope that they can give you useful information for practical acts in this direction.