welcome to TRIBOPRESS web site ...
TRIBOPRESS is a Spanish trademark that commercializes equipment for the production of elite building materials using an ecologically clean, highly profitable technology.
This technology, called tribopressing, is well known in differents countries of the world, such as: The Russian Federation, Ukrain, Kazakhstan, Chile, The United Arab Emirates and others. It received State Standards in Russia and in all the countries of the former USSR.
The continuous development of this technology has led us to the method of bilateral compression, called tribo-hyperpressing, which allows us to produce a higher quality brick with an increased precision, more consistent dimensions, widening the range of the geometric forms of our building materials.
Our technology is remarkable because through this innovative technique new building materials of high quality and perfect
aesthetics are produced from accesible carbonate raw materials (screenings of quarries: limestone, dolomite, marl, marble and others), adding small quantities of cement, pigment and water (without firing, vibrations or
Tribopressed building materials are materials with frames and chamfers along the entire face perimetre: facing bricks, decorative rock face veneers, sidewalk and road paving materials and antiseismic bricks. Some of their characteristics:
- any colour, with pressed paper texture (raw material and pigment)
- strong mechanical resistance (250 to 750 kg/cm²);
- high frost and erosion resistance (150 to 500 cycles FR);
- don’t have limits in the number of storeys in the buildings with abutments;
- don’t have limits in climatic zones of the Russian Federation;
- their adhesion to the mortar is 70% higher, than, that of the ceramic
building materials;
- have precision and constancy of the face dimensions within 0,3mm;
- all the materials have decorative chamfers and frame along the entire face perimeter.
These materials decorate the facades of more than 1.000 elite buildings in different parts of the world.
We can offer you the equipment of small, medium and large brick plants TRIBOPRESS of
various composition (with the productivity of up to 36 million units/year and a
return on your investment in 8 to 16 months both for direct purchase and for the purchase financed by us for a 5-year term:
The Equipment of the brick plants TRIBOPRESS is used:
For the production of: facing bricks, decorative rock face veneers, sidewalk and road paving materials and antiseismic bricks;
For a profitable industrial production with reasonable investments, simple technological production process and building materials of high demand for many years.
The infrastructure for such a production is well prepared since 1989: the building materials are thoroughly studied (see «analysis of the properties») and state standardized (see «State Standards»). On the territory of the Russian Federation and CIS countries there are more than 10 of our brick plants, our Russian company with 100% Spanish capital TRIBO-SERVIS RUSSIA, Ltd. provides after-sales service for our plants’ equipment on the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries of the former USSR.
If you are interested in a beautiful and strong facing brick , extraordinary facade rock face veneer, superstrong paving materials, reliable antiseismic brick
(for zones with high seismic and/ or terrorist activities)
and you like producing building materials,
please, contact us
We are always are glad to help you.
(reference: the building «boom» that began in Spain in 1960’s has maintained its momentum to the present)
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Great deeds are waiting for you!