Brief information on the Spanish Holding TRIBOPRESS ...
Now the Holding TRIBOPRESS consists of:
A Spanish Company specialized in the manufacture of the plants THP and TSB equipment (according to tribo-hyperpressing technology) of high productivity and its commercialization under the Spanish State Financing;
A Spanish Company specialized in the manufacture of the plants THP and TSB equipment (according to tribo-hyperpressing technology) of medium productivity and its commercialization, basically, without financing;
A Russian Company (under 100% Spanish capital), specialized in the technical service of the Holding plants equipment in the Russian Federation and other CIS Countries.
Due to the opening of the Spanish State financing of the Holding, sales to Ukraine and Kazakhstan, technical services companies of the Holding plants equipment are being organized in these countries.
Doctor of Technical and Physical and Mathematical science, profesor, director, chief engineer and founder of the Holding, creator of hyperpressing and tribo-hyperpressing technologies, author of the previous generations of the HP, THP and TSB plants equipment, Dr. Celestino Sanchez Belevets, directly participates in the development, construction and production of the modern generation of the Holding plants equipment.
The Holding's highly qualified pesonnel for many years has been successfully dealing with:
- research and use of new sources of raw materials;
- arrangement of the Spanish financing of the equipment sales;
- improvement of the building materials aesthetics and quality;
- development and production of new generations of equipment of higher profitability;
- organization of clients' production;
- supply of the ordered equipment and training of the client's staff;
- launch and technical service of the supplied equipment.
All the Holding's staff is always ready to clarify any questions concerning the Holding's activities.
As they say in Spain: "there are no «stupid» questions, there are «stupid» answers".
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