The creation of natural stone in the form of traditional and antiseismic building materials, rock face veneers and sidewalk and road paving stones from fine-dyspersated carbonic minerals without baking and adhesives, by the tribo-hyperpressing (bilateral hyperpressing) method...
The building materials production technology is carried out by the machinery of the TRIBOPRESS (THP) plants, which fulfills a tribo-hyperpressing technological process.
The production of the materials by reciprocal friction of fine-dyspersated particles under high pressure from both sides providing their effective "cold welding", is called a "tribo-hyperpressing" method (bilateral hyperpressing).
Depending on the nature of the substance, its dispersity, value and dynamics of the development of pressure and other factors, the manufactured materials have different physical and technical properties.
The building materials production process by the method of unilateral hyperpressing of the compression mixture is significantly activated by adding of binding additives and by hyperpressing of the mixture from two sides.
The adding of some cement to fine-dyspersated mineral substances, and the necessary compressing pressure (for the recreation of natural stone) and the depth of minerals grinding considerably decreases that leads to a considerable cheapening of the equipment and its maintenance.
The activation of the cement chemical activity with fine-dyspersated mineral environment by bilateral pressing under high pressure predetermines a higher level of homogeneity of the newly formed materials both in the process of their formation in the molds and at their curing.
Tribo-hyperpressing technology (bilateral hyperpressing) on the TRIBOPRESS (THP) plants implies the following stages of the technological process to be made with the compression mixture:
- preparation of the activated compression mixture (preparation lines);
- formation of the materials (bilateral hydraulic presses);
- well ordered palletization of the materials (automated palletizer);
- curing of the newly formed materials (warehouses);
predetermining both: the composition of the plants equipment, and the proper conditions of the mineral raw material to be used.
Quality guarantee of the manufactured materials
The quality of tribo-hyperpressed building and paving materials is guaranteed under the following conditions:
- purchase of the equipment in sufficient composition;
- use of the raw material recommended by the manufacturer;
- use of the correct composition of the compression mixture;
- proper curing of the newly formed materials.
In spite of the evident simplicity of the technological process of the building materials production by the tribo-hyperpressing method, the quality of these materials directly depends on the correct fullfilment of this technological process at each specific plant.