raw materials for TRIBOPRESS plants ...
The technology of the materials production on TRIBOPRESS plants consists in the reconstruction of natural stone of a certain form appropriate for construction.
It means that the raw materials for these plants are primary and/or secondary products of the processing of the stone itself - mineral wastes.
Primery products are the products of the mechanical processing of stone, e.g.: sawn blocks, gravel chippings and screenings – wastes of stone ragging.
Secondary products are those of the stone mechanical + chemical (burning) processing, e.g. slags and cement.
Raw material components of TRIBOPRESS plants are:
- screenings – a product of primary (+secondary) processing of stone,
- cement – a product of secondary processing of stone,
- water – a universal agent of chemical reactions.
The basic raw materials for the TRIBOPRESS plants are screenings of stone quarries.
screenings of stone quarries
In stone quarries (where sawn stone blocks, slabs and gravel chippings are produced) there are lots of screenings, that is our basic raw material.
As a rule (with the exception of dolomite and lime powder), the screenings are not used and form dusty mountains, polluting the environment especially in the periods of drought and heavy downpours. The ecology of stone quarries always leaves much to be desired. Thus:
Stone quarry screenings are basic raw materials for the TRIBOPRESS plants.
Ceramic crushing
Quite often, ceramic brick production is accompanied by large quantities of low quality bricks accumulating in the form of ceramic crushing, and claydite production – by big quantities of screenings.
Ceramic crushing (ground) is a raw material for the TRIBOPRESS plants.
Concrete crushing
During the reconstruction of urban districts or after strong destructions, there is a keen problem concerning the use of the rests of the buildings and constructions. As a rule, it is either ceramic crushing or concrete blocks crushing. Lately, concrete crushing has been used more frequently.
Concrete crushing (ground) ia a raw material for the TRIBOPRESS plants.
Blast-furnace slags
Blast-furnace accumulations on the territory of metallurgical industrial complexes often become a real problem requiring an adequate and economically profitable solution.
Blast-furnace slags (ground) are raw materials for the TRIBOPRESS plants.
Burnt gob-pile
Gob pile accumulations on the territory of mining and processing complexes often become a real problem requiring an adequate and economically profitable solution.
Burnt gob-pile (ground) is a raw material for TRIBOPRESS plants.
Solid ash wastes of Thermal Power Stations
Now there are thermal power stations, that every year “consume” from one to three hectares of fertile lands by «ash dumps», throwing into them from 200.000 to 600.000 tons of solid ash-slag wastes from coal burning.
Solid ash wastes (ground) are raw materials for TRIBOPRESS plants.
The raw material base of TRIBOPRESS plants is endless, varied and accessible, and their technology is ecologically clean as it produces neither solid nor liquid nor gaseous wastes and as its raw material, it uses wastes of other types of production: stone quarries, large brick plants and claydite plants, mining, processing and metallurgical industrial complexes, thermal power stations, coal heating power stations and mineral wastes of many other plants.
For further information see «raw material base» and « mixture composition». |