TRIBOPRESS plants process industrial wastes into building materials of the highest quality...
TRIBOPRESS technology is remarkable for its highest ecological contribution, both passive and active. TRIBOPRESS technology not only utilizes the wastes of other industrial manufacturers, but also transforms those wastes into facing building materials of the highest quality.
TRIBOPRESS technology outstanding features:
- ecological cleanness
in the TRIBOPRESS technological process we don't use adhessives or other chemicals, that guarantees ecological cleanness of both: the process itself and the ready product.
- wastelessness
TRIBOPRESS technological process produces neither gaseous, nor liquid, nor solid wastes, so TRIBOPRESS plants are non polluting.
- ecological activities
Due to the specific character of TRIBOPRESS technological process, the ready product may contain up to 65-85% of wastes from other types of production.
- low power consumption
absence of baking, steaming or drying stages in the TRIBOPRESS technological process guarantees a low power consumption of the ready product.
TRIBOPRESS technology is a perfect complement to the "manufacturers" of mineral wastes such as: cement plants, quarries, stone sawing plants, ceramic brick plants, etc.
From the ecological point of view, TRIBOPRESS technology makes a giant step towards achieving "wastelessness" of those problematic industries.
From the economic point of view, TRIBOPRESS technology considerably reduces payments of fines and taxes for storing wastes on fertile lands that raisies the profitability of the companies. Quite often the installation of TRIBOPRESS technology is implemented under the auspices of special federal or regional financing programs...