composition of the compression mixture ...
The first stage of the technological process TRIBOPRESS is the preparation of the compression mixture. The Preparation Line (LP), included into the equipment of TRIBOPRESS, plants, automatically prepares the compression mixture of the established composition, which depends on the type of the material to be produced.
The compression mixture for the production of the materials TRIBOPRESS consists of four components:
- main raw material
the most suitable raw materials are wastes of stone exploitation: limestone, marl, marble etc. (see raw materials);
- cement
Portland cement, whose brand, depending on the requirements to the building material to be produced, varies from 300 to 500;
- pigment
common mineral pigments or improvised ground rocks of the required colour are used;
- water
to avoid undesirable effects, water should be running, portable.
Based on our working experience, great importance should be given to the cement quality and the water purity.
According to the compression mixture composition, the building materials TRIBOPRESS are devided into three large categories: wall, paving and antiseismic.
compression mixture for wall materials
The recommended composition of the compression mixture for wall materials TRIBOPRESS is:
84% - main raw material (e.g. limestone or dolomite screenings)
7% - cement type Portland 400 (not less)
1% - pigment (mineral, e.g., red)
8% - water (running, portable, without salts)
compression mixture for paving materials
The recommended composition of the compression mixture for paving materials TRIBOPRESS is:
64% - main raw material (e.g., pebble screenings)
20% - cement type Portland 400 (not less)
1% - pigment (mineral, e.g., green)
15% - water (running, portable, without salts)
compression mixture for antiseismic materials
The recommended composition of the compression mixture for antiseismic materials TRIBOPRESS is:
75% - main raw material (e.g., limestone or dolomite screenings)
12% - cement type Portland 400 (not less)
1% - pigment (mineral, e.g., red)
12% - water (running, portable, without salts)
Curing of the formed materials
For curing of the materials formed by the Press, the TRIBOPRESS technology needs neither kilns, nor high pressure steam chambers, it needs only a warehouse for 7 days with normal environmental conditions of living quarters (the most favourable is humid environment).
In 6-7 days the newly formed materials obtain 50-60% of their strength and can be supplied to the constructors. These materials obtain their full strength on the 28-29th day, which is perfectly realized in the brickwork.
If the above mentioned conditions are met the quality of the building and road materials TRIBOPRESS are guaranteed by the Seller, in accordance with the Technical Conditions.