Traditional building materials TRIBOPRESS are materials with chamfers of high quality ...
The traditional building materials TRIBOPRESS - represent a completely new category of high quality building materials. Unlike the existing materials, the face sides of these materials have a frame and chamfers that are formed in the process of tribo-hyperpressing (bilateral compression) without any manual operations and they don't require any additional treatment after pressing. These materials keep their original appearance for years, they are in great demand in the building materials market and their selling price is higher than that of the materials without chamfers.
rectangular facing brick with chamfers
This is a completely new product of the tribo-hyperpressing technology from the category of facing bricks. It is innovative because it has a frame (2 mm thick) and semicircular chamfers (a radius of 3 mm) along the face perimeter of the brick and also along the perimeters of the lateral sides hidden in the brickwork. Its geometrical dimensions are:
- length - 250 mm, width - 120 mm, height - 65 mm.
According to the Buyer's wishes or needs, the equipment can be supplied with molds for manufacturing rectangular facing bricks with the height of 50mm.
Tribo-hyperpressing technology garantees height stability of the brick (within 0,3 mm) that has an excellent effect on the constancy of the width of the brickwork joint in the facades.
The manufacturing of the frame and chamfers provides almost an ideal repetition of their geometrical dimensions, completely excluding manual operations. At the same production cost as the brick without a frame and chamfers, the rectangular facade brick with a frame and chamfers is in a greater demand in the building materials market and its selling price is 20-30% higher than that of the bricks without chamfers.
pyramidal facing brick with chamfers
This is a completely new product of the tribo-hyperpressing technology from the category of facing bricks with a pyramidal relief. The traditional facing brick which used to be hand moulded, is made with a pyramid by the press now (a height of 10 mm), decorated along the perimeter with semicircular chamfers (a radius of 3 mm) and a frame (2 mm thick). Its geometrical dimensions are:
- length - 250 mm, width - 125 mm, height - 65 mm
According to the Buyer's wishes or needs, the equipment can be supplied with molds for the production of pyramidal bricks with the height of 50mm.
Tribo-hyperpressing technology provides height stability (within 0,3 mm) that has a positive effect on the constancy of the width of the brickwork joint in the facades.
The manufacturing of the pyramid, frame and chamfers provides almost an ideal repetition of their geometrical dimensions, completely excluding manual operations. At the same production cost as the brick without a frame and chamfers, the pyramidal facing brick with a frame and chamfers is in a greater demand in the building materials market and its selling price is 30-40% higher than that of the bricks without chamfers.
angle facing brick with a shaped corner
This is a completely new product of the tribo-hyperpressing technology from the category of angle facing bricks. It is innovative because it has a frame (2 mm thick) and semicircular chamfers (a radius of 3 mm) along the face perimeter of the brick, the shaped corner, and along the perimeters of the lateral sides hidden in the brickwork. The cylindrical surface of the shaped corner is smoothly "sunk" into the brick corner with a depth of 5 mm and has a radius of 30 mm. Its geometrical dimensions are:
- length - 250 mm, width - 120 mm, height - 50-120 mm
Tribo-hyperpressing technology provides height stability (within 0,3 mm) that has a positive effect on the constancy of the width of the brickwork joint in the facades.
The manufacturing of the cylindrical surface, frame and chamfers provides almost an ideal repetition of their geometrical dimensions, completely excluding manual operations. At the same production cost as the brick without a frame and chamfers, the angle facing brick with a cylindrical surface, frame and chamfers is in a greater demand in the building materials market and its selling price is 40-50% higher than that of the brick without chamfers.
4-veneer rock face preform
This is a completely new product of the tribo-hyperpressing technology which belongs to the category of facade rock face materials. This facing material in a rustic stile is decorated along the face perimeter with a splay (a height of 4 mm) and semicircular chamfers (a radius of 3 mm). The geometrical dimensions of the preform are:
- length - 250 mm, width - 140 mm (35 mm x 4), height - 50-140 mm
The manufacturing of the facing rock face veneer is subdivided into two stages:
- manufacturing of the preform of 4 future rock face veneers, and
- manufacturing of the same rock face veneers by splitting the preform into 4 veneers.
The production of the preform of 4 future rock face veneers is carried out on the same press where the bricks and veneers are produced. The manufacturing of splays and semicircular chamfers along the perimeter of the future rock face veneers provides almost an ideal repetition of their geometrical dimensions, completely excluding manual operations.
These rock face veneers can be made either with the help of some manual device or with the help of a special hydraulic press (8 veneers at a time). In the second case, no additional operations with the veneers are necessary after splitting.
Tribo-hyperpressing technology provides height stability (within 0,3 mm) that has a positive effect on the constancy of the width of the brickwork joint in the facades.
Having the same production cost as a rectangular brick, a preform of four rock face veneers with chamfers and splays along the face perimeter of the future rock-face veneers is in a greater demand in the building materials market and its selling price is 70-80% higher than that of the bricks without chamfers. The transportation of the preforms is more comfortable than that of the ready veneers. It is just necessary to split them into four veneers by a manual device.
The selling price of each ready-made rock face veneer is equal or even a bit higher than that of the rectangular brick with chamfers. That is, the production of the rock face veneers is almost twice as profitable as the production of the bricks with a frame and chamfers.
rectangular sidewalk and road pavers
>This is a completely new product of the tribo-hyperpressing technology from the category of paving materials. It is innovative because of the frame (2 mm thick) and semicircular chamfers (with a radius of 3 mm) along the perimeter of the three sides of the paver, as well as along the sides hidden in the ground. Its geometrical dimentions are:
- length - 250 mm, width - 125 mm, height - 40-120 mm
Tribo-hyperpressing technology provides height stability (within 0,3 mm) of the paver, that has a positive effect on the constancy of the paving height. Putting the sides without frames and chamfers together, a single paver of the following dimensions is formed: 250x250x40x120mm.
The manufacture of the frames and the chamfers provides almost an ideal repetition of their geometrical dimensions, completely excluding manual operations. Having the same production cost as a brick without a frame and chamfers, a rectangular paver with a frame and chamfers is in a greater demand in the building materials market and its selling price is 20-30% higher than that of the traditional paving materials.